Friday, July 4, 2008

Dream Boy Amusement Park

Yesterday, we went to the Dream boy Amusement Park, after teaching English for two separate hours to the same classes of 5th graders- 40 per class. Wow- those classes remind me of when I went to school as a kid- very crowded classes, every resource stretched to the limit, but the priorities are right- the Korean culture is ALL about the kids!

We also went to the National Cemetery; Korea's version of our Arlington National Cemetery. Very impressive!

We also ate Korean bibim bop at the Haan Baat Elementary school where we taught, before going to the Dream Boy park. RIGHT from the park, we were whisked a LONG way away, to a VIP Korean restaurant. Man, there is so much food served, we can barely handle it! Oh, we also went to the Korean mint exhibit.

Today, we leave at 7AM for Seoul, and I'm sure another very full day. Perhaps my laptop will work there, and I can post some of our many photos!

One thing that we have difficulty with, is sitting on the floor to eat- our legs are just not that flexible, and go to sleep as our stomachs are filled to capacity.

Pete Klitzke and myself got a little ill at the Dream boy park yesterday... hope that is all done with!

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